News, Articles & Case Studies

News, Articles & Gamification Case Studies: Onboarding, Corporate learning and development, Call to ideas and Innovation!
Natixis, in Portugal, presents itself as a Center of Excellence, whose mission is based on transforming traditional banking, developing innovative business solutions. Belonging to Groupe BPCE - the second largest French bank -, the company has in our country about 1,800 employees, a number that rises to 16,000 worldwide.
June 7, 2023 Read more
The Learn module is one of the most used modules by our clients and has undergone significant improvements in terms of usability, reporting and dashboards.
January 2, 2023 Read more
The choice fell on GFoundry and followed the design of the model best suited to the reality of Closer, ie, starting from the matrix platform created by GFoundry, was made the customization to the specific interest of Closer, namely through the co-creation made in several modules.
November 4, 2022 Read more
Gfoundry, as a complete A to Z talent management solution, is the perfect digital ecosystem to manage goals using the OKR methodology.
July 19, 2022 Read more
With this module you can create competitions using your own data, and make your teams more aligned, motivated and resilient, creating individual, tribe or team dynamics.
June 1, 2022 Read more