Competitions using your own data

Gamify your business. Start your game!

Turn your teams’ KPIs into a game!

With the Competitions module, you can create competitions using your own data, and make your teams more aligned, motivated and resilient, creating individual, tribe or team dynamics.
Competition data can be easily updated through XLS files, or through external data integrations via API with other platforms.


Commercial Teams: measure sales, contacts and other objectives

Commercial teams in organisations are responsible for sales processes. Therefore, their goals are usually linked to sales volume, number of contacts made, number of contracts signed, among other examples.
With GFoundry, you can create monthly sales competitions, where the best performing employees can receive medals and rewards for their performance!


Call Centers: measuring the number of contacts and their effectiveness

With the GFoundry platform, you can create competitions for the performance of call center employees by the number of contacts made by each one, or even divided into teams.
For example, the competition may be organised by teams, in which each team gathers the number of contacts made by each individual member of the team. At the end, the team can be rewarded and recognised for its performance, while at the same time allowing for greater interaction between team members so that they can achieve the desired results.


Transport: measuring performance of the deliveries

The success of a transport company is measured, in part, by the performance of its deliveries. Therefore, it is essential that the incidences of driver deliveries are reduced to a minimum, so that the level of customer satisfaction is as high as possible.
With GFoundry, you can create competitions between drivers for the lowest incidences! This way, the ranking can position the drivers in ascending order of number of incidences per month, ensuring that you can reward and recognise the employees with the lowest number of incidences in their deliveries. You can see the example of DPD Portugal here.


Technical Teams: measure the performance of support services

In development and support teams, the biggest challenges are linked to solving errors and problems in a given technical structure (better known as troubleshooting).
In order to motivate employees to solve more errors, and more efficiently, with GFoundry you can create competitions for the highest number of errors solved by each employee in a given period, in which you can reward and recognise the employees with the highest performance. This dynamic can have a significant impact on the response capacity that the technical teams can guarantee to their clients.

Boost your onboarding and adoption of new software

With our gamification engine and the Competitions Module, you can set goals in your new software adoption processes, and reward the people and teams that achieve those goals the fastest.
All these dynamics, when designed with a strong narrative and consistent with the organizational culture, can play a key role in motivating and aligning your employees, making your onboarding and adoption experience much more dynamic and interactive.

Is GFoundry the Right Platform for My Company?

This diagnostic is designed to help your company determine whether GFoundry is the ideal solution for achieving your talent management, employee engagement, and internal process optimization goals.

Through a set of strategic questions, this diagnostic allows you to quickly and easily assess whether GFoundry’s features and capabilities align with the specific needs and challenges of your organization. At the end, you will receive a personalized recommendation to help you make an informed decision about adopting our platform.

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Talent management platform to boost employee engagement