Performance Evaluation and Career Management

Continuous or one-off assessment to help you achieve goals and objectives throughout the year


Do you know the answer to all these questions?

Which employees have high probability to leave the company?

Who are the high-potential employees?

Who will be the best successors for a particular job?

Knowing the correct metrics in your company is key for successful performance checks.

Additionally, it prepares you for important decisions. Moreover, using the GFoundry platform boosts its potential, especially during employee performance evaluations. Therefore, it’s an essential tool for staff growth and talent assessment.

Click here to know more: Performance appraisal – complete guide

Performance appraisals. How does it work?

In GFoundry, it is possible to evaluate Objectives and Competencies. The platform allows you to create many assessment models to evaluate your employees’ performance:
  Top-Down Evaluation
  360º Feedback and Evaluation
  Objectives Evaluation
Click here to know more: Performance appraisal – complete guide
Performance Evaluation and Career Management


The Touchpoints

In GFoundry, it is possible to define touchpoint periods, where employees can review their goals, their individual development plans and also fill out a form that can guide the conversation between employee and manager.
In this way, it is possible to guarantee the continuity of the whole process, ensuring regular monitoring of employee performance.
Click here to know more: Performance appraisal – complete guide

Potential Management. How does it work?

In addition to performance evaluation, you can also manage your employees’ Potential and Career Management process. At this stage, responsibility is placed on the managers who are responsible for their teams, having a clear perception not only of each one’s performance, but also a perception of their potential within the organisation.
Click here to know more: Performance appraisal – complete guide

The exit risk matrix

The information in this matrix is crucial in order to identify the profiles with the highest risk of leaving the organisation and which will have a high impact on the business if this happens. In this way, any Human Resources manager will be able to have a generalised view of the risk of team members leaving, enabling early decision making.
GFoundry’s exit risk matrix is composed of two dimensions:
1. The probability of employee churn
2. The impact of their departure on the company
A score is generated for each of the dimensions and each employee is positioned in the matrix according to these values.
Click here to know more: Performance appraisal – complete guide

Super dashboards to manage your company’s talent!

Data is useless if it is not organised and does not generate useful information for users and decision-makers.
It is easy to manage all your talent, get all the information you need from employee performance, potencial and churn probability. Take better decisions in advance!
Click here to know more: Performance appraisal – complete guide

Is GFoundry the Right Platform for My Company?

This diagnostic is designed to help your company determine whether GFoundry is the ideal solution for achieving your talent management, employee engagement, and internal process optimization goals.

Through a set of strategic questions, this diagnostic allows you to quickly and easily assess whether GFoundry’s features and capabilities align with the specific needs and challenges of your organization. At the end, you will receive a personalized recommendation to help you make an informed decision about adopting our platform.

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Talent management platform to boost employee engagement